Install this Resolve-DnsName Port and hammer these 2 commands in your Microburst folder:

sed -i 's/Resolve-DnsName \$lookup -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:\$false/Resolve-DnsName \$lookup -Verbose:\$false -DnsOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue/g' Misc/*.ps1
sed -i 's/\$lookupResult -ne ""/\$lookupResult -ne \$null/g' Misc/*.ps1

Now, onto to the troubleshoot!


Microburst uses the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet to resolve the hosts. The Resolve-DnsName cmdlet is windows only. However, there is a port of Resolve-DnsName based on dig that is cross-platform that you can install on your linux machine.

Install Port

git clone
Install-Module ./Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform/Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform.psd1

Broken behaviour

Microburst is matching every domain it permutates as a valid one.

Let’s investigate a bit and look for where this cmdlet is used in the script:

grep -r Resolve-DnsName

It is used in 2 files:

  • Invoke-EnumerateAzureSubDomains.ps1
  • Invoke-EnumerateAzureBlobs.ps1

The Problem

There are 2, actually.

First Problem

In the following code snippet, our Resolve-DnsName port is not successfully resolving the host.

try{($lookupResult = Resolve-DnsName $lookup -Verbose:$false -DnsOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select Name | Select-Object -First 1)|Out-Null}catch{}

It errors out with the error:

ForEach-Object: Cannot find an overload for "new" and the argument count: "1".

We can fix this by changing the flag -ErrorAction Stop to -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue and it will resolve the host fine.

Second Problem

The second problem is that the Resolve-DnsName is not returning "" when it fails to resolve a host, it returns $null.

So this condition in the script is never going to work as $lookupResult will have the value $null when it fails to resolve. This will match every failed dns query, which is the opposite of what we want.

if ($lookupResult -ne ""){
	Write-Verbose "Found $lookup"; $runningList += $lookup; $TempTbl.Rows.Add([string]$lookup,[string]$subLookup[$_]) | Out-Null

We can fix it by swapping that "" to $null.

Fixing the script

Changing the -ErrorAction flag

sed -i 's/Resolve-DnsName \$lookup -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:\$false/Resolve-DnsName \$lookup -Verbose:\$false -DnsOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue/g' Misc/*.ps1

Swapping "" to $null

sed -i 's/\$lookupResult -ne ""/\$lookupResult -ne \$null/g' Misc/*.ps1

In the end it should look like this

try{($lookupResult = Resolve-DnsName $lookup -Verbose:$false -DnsOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select Name | Select-Object -First 1)|Out-Null}catch{}
if ($lookupResult -ne $null){
	Write-Verbose "Found $lookup"; $runningList += $lookup; $TempTbl.Rows.Add([string]$lookup,[string]$subLookup[$_]) | Out-Null